Look at these Firebird hood birds! If I was forced to pick one at gunpoint today, I suppose I'm feeling kind of Solar Gold. And this commercial is narrated by the same guy who did all those exploitation trailers in the seventies, which is just so fitting!
Our planet is soooo tiny, well, this video will give you some idea. As we grow ever-closer to realizing our "Star Trek" ambitions, we have discovered a planet outside our solar system only twice the size of Earth.
The Forrest J. Ackerman auction is upon us. Kind of a bummer, but it's nice to fantasize about winning some of these goodies. Its worth taking the time to sift through the collection, there are plenty of covetables.
I'm reining in my angst, and maybe it's because I saw some pretty great grindhouse films last night which were tainted with relentless misplaced hipster laughter. Yes, rape and incest are hilarious, aren't they, dudes... Anyway, love the concept, "Look at this Fucking Hipster."
It's a 1958 interview between himself and Mike Wallace. Huxley warns of the dangers of technology, over-population, and the problems of survival and freedom in America. Follow this link to the article by George Dvorsky, as well as parts one and two.
Pull yourselves together for 36hrs of navigating the back-roads from San Francisco to Yuma. I was hoping to do the Baha 1000, but this may be just the thing to appease my itch for mad-caper insanity! The Rental Car Rally.